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Female Rugby Players Get Naked to Raise Funds..


A member of the Seoul Sisters Rugby Club poses for the team’s 2010 naked calendar, an annual fund-raising initiative.
/ Courtesy of Penny Brook
/ Katrin Guete
"It's not something that comes naturally," said a slightly bashful Fiona Cutler as she spoke to The Korea Times about this year's edition of her rugby team's naked calendar.

Seoul Sisters Rugby Club, a women's rugby outfit predominantly made up of expats, are preparing to unveil the naughty collection on Saturday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Itaewon bar Berlin.

Designed to produce much-needed financial assistance for the team, it also proved to be a pleasurable ― if a tad-bit-nervous ― experience, said Cutler.

Inspired by the popular Playboy calendar, the result features the team members in naked poses without exposing their modest regions.

"It was an opportunity to get a nice shot of ourselves to be proud of," said the 28-year-old Kiwi. "It was quite a new experience for me. We took everything off."

Members of the team stripped for the calendar early last month with two professional photographers, the third year in succession they've undertaken the affair.

"The idea had never crossed my mind before," said American Amanda Joyce, who took part for the second time.

"It was a lot of fun," said fellow American Mel Cherry. "It was interesting and really relaxed. The photographers were really artistic. They knew how to work with the girls. And it is always really well received."

The calendar, produced by a professional graphic designer, was carried out on a completely volunteer basis, with those apprehensive eventually succumbing out of a desire to help the team cause.

Proceeds from sales of the calendars are to be used to cover club funds such as pitch time, mouth guards and new kits.

A second promotional event for the calendar, taking place at the Hive bar, also located in Itaewon, is on Dec. 5 from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Individual prints of the photos featured will be available for sale on both dates.

For further information, visit the club Web site at www.ssrfc.com.


Scandal video girl Shoushou freaking out in a live TV show..

Scandal video girl Shoushou in a live TV show (Shoushou (兽兽) / ZhaiLing (翟凌) / Iris Yang)

Shoushou, a 23 year-old Chinese model was involved in a sex video scandal earlier this year. A few days ago, she was interviewed by a TV talk show “Lady Gua Gua,” because the hostess kept asking her about the scandal, the show was stopped a few times by Shousshou’s agent, but the hostess did not stop and continued to press on her interrogation, at the end Shoushou could not stand it anymore and left the show. The video of her freak out was widely spread on Sina Weibo. Most Chinese netizens showed sympathy to Shoushou and criticized the hostess on her unprofessional questions and behaviors.

China No. 1 Car Model Shou Shou Video 兽兽

Shou Shou (Zhai Ling) was born in 1987 August is a 177 cm tall Chinese model, here modeling for the Beijing New Silk Road Modeling Company. Her beauty and slim and tall physique made her a regular model at major auto car shows. Since the 2008 Beijing Auto Show, the pretty girl Shou Shou was declared by the Chinese netizens as the China’s Number 1 car model. She was also a famous soccer model.

The story that broke told of how the videography made by her ex-boyfriend and herself in 2007 has been leaked to the public after she broke up with the possessive Chinese guy. (兽兽(翟凌)中国第一美女车模)

Shou Shou stated on her website on 14 January 2010 that she reserves the right to take legal actions against any parties who defame her in this incident. She also humbly stated that she is just an ordinary model who did not deserve such unnecessary media attention.
Many China’s netizens criticised her for being naive to be part of the video project and expressed their concern that the incident will become a negative role model for China’s impressionable youngsters.
Some people also alleged that Shou Shou went for plastic surgery, which improved her looks, and thus her marketability as a model. Photos of her alleged plastic surgery before-and-after photos can be seen here.
bron: www.wayangtimes.com [25-2-2008]
src : wocview.wordpress.com
Miss California Topless Miss California Carrie Prejean seems to think she's being persecuted because of her Christian beliefs, but that's getting harder to believe with the release of each new topless photo. Prejean told pageant officials last Tuesday that the topless photo that surfaced last week was the only one she ever posed for. But now, the beauty queen will have to explain how TMZ obtained several additional photos of her wearing not much more than Adam and Eve, before that serpent led them astray.
Now, the world awaits news of whether Miss Universe co-owner Donald Trump will say, "You're Fired." Doesn't it seem like we've been down this road before? Oh yeah, we have.
Update: The Donald has spoken, and Miss California gets to keep her crown..

src : weirdnews.about.com/
Miss Guarico sebagai wakil dari Guarico dalam ajang Miss Venezuela mengalami hal yang sangat memalukan karena pada saat tampil dalam ajang pemilihan Miss Venezuela tanpa sengaja saat ia menari kain penutup bikini ternyata tali bikini bagian bawahnyapun ikut tertarik sehingga terlepas dan memperlihatkan kepada ribuan penonton dan jutaan pemirsa TV bagian paling pribadinya.

Foto Zhou Weitong Beautiful Model From China



Memotret Wanita Bugil Di Kuburan, Fotografer Jepang Dipenjarakan


Tokyo-Entah apa yang dipikirkan oleh fotografer yang satu ini. Aksi fot0-foto bugil di kuburan membuatnya harus berurusan dengan pihak berwajib. Kantor Jaksa Distrik Tokyo, Kamis waktu setempat, menuduh Kishin Shinoyama, 69 tahun, melakukan perbuatan tidak pantas di area publik yaitu memotret dua model wanita bugil di pemakaman Aoyama, Tokyo, pada 15 Oktober 2008. Perbuatan Shinoyama itu dianggap tidak menghormati kesucian area pemakaman.
Dalam tuntutannya jaksa menyebutkan jika terbukti bersalah Shinoyama diancam hukuman penjara hingga enam bulan atau denda mencapai 300 ribu Yen (sekitar US$ 3.300) atau sekitar Rp 33 juta.
Lokasi kuburan itu salah satu dari sekian banyak tempat publik di Tokyo yang digunakan Shinoyama dalam memotret dua model wanita dalam pose bugil untuk koleksi sebuah album foto yang dirilisnya pada Januari 2009 lalu.
Pada Januari, polisi telah mengirimkan berkas kasus Shinoyama dan dua model perempuannya kepada pihak jaksa atas kasus ketidaksenonohan di publik dalam mengambil gambar telanjang di 12 lokasi, termasuk ruang pernikahan dan sebuah department store. Namun jaksa hanya fokus memperkarakan masalah pemotretan bugil di pemakaman.
Shinoyama dalam sebuah pernyataan, Kamis, mengatakan pakaian yang ditanggalkan oleh kedua modelnya itu hanya sebentar. “Cuma hitungan detik atau paling lama dua menit,” tukasnya.
Pihaknya justru mengkhawatirkan mengenai definisi ketidaksenonohan publik, yang dapat mencegah ekspresi seni. Tapi Shinoyama menambahkan, “Aku dengan rendah hati menerima kasus ini sebagai pelajaran, dan kasus ini menjadi tantangan bagi saya untuk mengejar bentuk-bentuk baru dalam ekspresi.”
Shinoyama adalah seorang fotografer produktif yang selama puluhan tahun memotret berbagai genre. Salah satu karyanya yang mengundang kontroversial dan fenomenal pada 1990-an adalah memotret apa yang disebutnya sebagai “rambut telanjang”.
Dalam karya fotografinya itu, ia memotret dengan mengekspose rambut kemaluan aktris Rie Miyazawa. Kumpulan karya koleksinya itu sangat laris di pasaran sekaligus mampu menggeser adat yang ketat dari masyarakat mengenai foto telanjang.


Sesi Pemotretan Bugil di Taman Kota Dibubarkan Ibu-Ibu

CHINA - Kabar mengejutkan datang dari Provinsi Henan, China. Tanpa diduga, seorang model wanita berusia 20 tahun dan beberapa fotografer masuk ke taman kota untuk melakukan sesi pemotretan. Yang mengagetkan, model itu langsung telanjang tanpa mengenakan sehelai benang pun.
Masyarakat yang menyaksikan pemotretan tersebut segera memberi tahu warga lain. Dalam waktu singkat ratusan pria menyemut menyaksikan tontonan gratis tersebut. Di saat suami mereka asyik menonton, para istri mereka tiba-tiba datang ke lokasi sambil marah-marah dan menyuruh suami mereka pulang. Kehebohan pun tak dapat dihindarkan.

Di tengah kekacauan, tanpa disangka, seorang warga langsung menyerang para fotografer tersebut dengan kayu. "Fotografer itu telah merusak sejumlah keluarga akibat perbuatan mereka," kata lelaki bernama Shen Guoxion yang melakukan penyerangan.

Namun manajer taman membela para fotografer tersebut. "Ini adalah seni olah tubuh yang sangat indah. Mereka sudah membayar dan berhak melakukan sesi foto disini" kata manajer taman, Wu Guangwei.

Kira-kira kehebohan apa yang terjadi bila kejadian tersebut dilakukan di Indonesia? Para pejabat ikut-ikutan nonton 'ga ya? TRIBUNNEWS.COM

Models face planting on the runway

a falling on runway 16 Models face planting on the runway (19 photos)

Naked model provokes angry farmer attack

After berating them, angry farmer Hu Wen hit the students with a stick until they ran away from his farm in a local beauty spot Zhengzhou, eastern China.
'It wasn't just the students. We get a lot of tourists walking through the valley and they had all stopped too and were snapping away with their cameras and phones,' explained Wen.
'They complained to the police but I'm not sorry and I won't apologise.
'I'm not having those kind of perverts on my land and those students should be painting or drawing, not taking obscene photographs,' he added.
He added that he didn't hit the naked lady, instead helping her back into her clothes and giving her a lecture on immorality.
source : http://www.metro.co.uk