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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Animals. Tampilkan semua postingan

Seorang Wanita Rela Menyusui Anak Sapi, Setelah Ditinggal Mati Induknya

Disaat mulai terjadi pergeseran pada wanita dalam memandang kewajiban menyusui bagi anaknya, dibagian lain ada seorang wanita yang menjadi begitu simpati dengan seekor anak sapi yang belum lama ditinggal mati oleh induknya untuk melanjutkan memberikan anak sapi tersebut asupan susu dari dirinya.
Seorang wanita menyusui anak sapi yang ditinggal mati induknya
Seorang wanita menyusui anak sapi yang ditinggal mati induknya
Bayangkan saja berapa banyak bayi bayi lahir tidak mendapatkan susu dari sang ibu, padahal susu ibu (ASI) merupakan asupan gizi dan makanan terbaik bagi bayi. Justru mereka menggantikan ASI dengan susu bubuk instan yang terbuat dari pengolahan susu sapi. Tapi kini yang terjadi adalah sebalikanya, manusia menyusui sapi.
Couthi Bai seorang wanita yang tinggal di desa Kilchu India dengan penuh kerelaan dan kasih sayang menyusui anak sapi yang menjadi yatim setelah induknya mati. Memang di India yang mayoritas menganut agama Hindu, sapi mendapat tempat yang istimewa, sehingga Bai sangat menyayangi hewan ini.
Bila sapi saja disusui manusia, lantas banyak anak manusia minum susu sapi, kok jadi bingung ya
Bila sapi saja disusui manusia, lantas banyak anak manusia minum susu sapi, kok jadi bingung ya
Seperti dikutip ruanghati.com dari harian Telegraph menceritakan, Bai berkeyakinan, para Dewa akan sangat gembira dengan upayanya untuk merawat dan membesarkan anak sapi yang baru berusia 46 hari ini. Sapi merupakan hewan suci bagi umat Hindu. Oleh karenanya mendapat perlakuan yang istimewa.
Lalu apa pelajarannya bagi kita, “kalau saja sapi saja disusui manusia lalu justru banyak manusia disusui oleh sapi’ padahal bayi manusia tadi tidak yatim, alias masih memiliki ibu, bagaimana menurut Anda sobat ruanghati.com yang budiman?

sumber : ruanghati.com

Top 12 Most Amazing Sea Monsters

Top 12 Most Amazing Sea Monsters
Squid are marine cephalopods of the order Teuthida, which comprises around 300 species. Like all other cephalopods, squid have a distinct head, bilateral symmetry, a mantle, and arms. Squid, like cuttlefish, have eight arms arranged in pairs and two longer tentacles. Millions of years ago, prehistoric sea creatures swam Earth’s waters. Remains of these animals have been found near Australia, Germany, and in the Western Interior Seaway, a vast sea that once bisected North America.
Top 12 Most Amazing Sea Monsters
Also called a straight ammonite, Bacculite is an ammonite mollusk with a straight, not spiraled, shell.
Top 12 Most Amazing Sea Monsters
Caproberyx is an extinct genus of bony fish from the Cretaceous period of Africa and Europe. It has also been found in Kansas, USA.
Top 12 Most Amazing Sea Monsters
Enchodus is an extinct genus of bony fish. It flourished during the Upper Cretaceous and was small to medium in size. One of the genus’ most notable attributes are the large “fangs” at the front of the upper and lower jaws and on the palatine bones, leading to its misleading nickname among fossil hunters and paleoichthyologists, “the saber-toothed herring”. These fangs, along with a long sleek body and large eyes, suggest Enchodus was a predatory species. In North America, Enchodus remains have been recovered from most states with fossiliferous Late Cretaceous rocks, including Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, Wyoming, Texas, California, and New Jersey. The taxon is also known from coeval strata in Africa, Europe, and southwest Asia.
Top 12 Most Amazing Sea Monsters
Bananogmius is an extinct genus of bony fish that lived in what is today Kansas during the Late Cretaceous. It lived in the Western Interior Seaway, which split North America in two during the Late Cretaceous. Bananogmius was equipped with flat jaws and palatine plates that helped it crush its favorite prey, clams and mollusks.
Top 12 Most Amazing Sea Monsters
With eyes 10 inches (25.4 centimeters) wide, Temnodontosaurus could see in near lightless conditions and probably dove for food. Temnodontosaurus was an ichthyosaur from the Early Jurassic, some 198 and 185 million years ago (Hettangian – Toarcian), in Europe (England & Germany). It was a large genus, exceeded 12 meters (30 ft) in length.
Top 12 Most Amazing Sea Monsters
Styxosaurus was a long-necked marine reptile that grew upwards of 40 feet (12 meters) long. About half of that length was neck. Styxosaurus is a genus of plesiosaur of the family Elasmosauridae. Styxosaurus lived during the Santonian and Campanian age of the Cretaceous period.
Top 12 Most Amazing Sea Monsters
Squalicorax is a genus of extinct lamniform shark known to have lived during the Cretaceous period. A fully articulated (fully-formed) 1.9 m long fossil skeleton of Squalicorax (S. falcatus) has been found in Kansas, evidence of its presence in the Western Interior Seaway. Large numbers of fossil teeth have been found in Europe, North Africa, and other parts of North America. From the size of its largest known teeth, it can be estimated that Squalicorax pristodontus grew to 5 m (16.5 ft) in length. Squalicorax was a predator, but also scavenged as evidenced by a Squalicorax tooth found embedded in the metatarsal (foot) bone of a terrestrial hadrosaurid dinosaur that most likely died on land and ended up in the water. Other food sources included turtles, mosasaurs, ichthyodectes and other bony fishes and sea creatures.
Top 12 Most Amazing Sea Monsters
Protostega gigas is an extinct species of marine turtle. It was first collected from the Smoky Hill Chalk of western Kansas in 1871, and named by E.D. Cope (1872). With a length of 3 m (10 ft), it is the second-largest turtle that ever lived, second only to the giant Archelon. Like the modern leatherback sea turtle, the largest living turtle at 2,70 m (9 ft) long, Protostega’s carapace lacked scutes, making it weaker but also lighter. Protostega probably fed on slow ocean creatures such as jellyfish and shellfish.
Top 12 Most Amazing Sea Monsters
Nothosaur were Triassic marine sauropterygian reptiles that may have lived like seals of today, catching food in water but coming ashore on rocks and beaches. They averaged about 3 metres (10 ft) in length, with a long body and tail. The feet were paddle-like, and are known to have been webbed in life, to help power the animal when swimming. The nothosaurs consist of two suborders—the Pachypleurosaurs, tiny, primitive forms, and the true Nothosaurs, which evolved from pachypleurosaurs. Nothosaur-like reptiles were in turn ancestral to the more completely marine plesiosaurs, which replaced them at the end of the Triassic period. With its leathery skin, long tail, short legs, and needle-like teeth, the Nothosaur resembled a prehistoric crocodile.
Kronosaurus is an extinct genus of short-necked pliosaur. It was among the largest pliosaurs, and is appropriately named after the leader of the Greek Titans, Kronos. Kronosaurus four paddle-like flippers helped the Kronosaurus move underwater much like sea turtles.
12. Gillicus
Gillicus arcuatus was a relatively small, 2-meter long ichthyodectid fish that lived in the Western Interior Seaway, in what is now central North America, during the Late Cretaceous. Like its larger relative, Ichthyodectes ctenodon, G. arcuatus had numerous small teeth lining its jaws, and ate smaller fish by sucking them into its mouth. Gillicus also fillter feeded and were also eaten by their own relitive, xiphactinus.

source : ww.southdreamz.com

13 Funny Guidelines on How to survive Animal Attack

When it comes to nature you have to be aware that it has a bad habit of being harsh to all trespassers. Trespassers being people moving freely through the habitat that is not quite their own. This is a wild world where animals are not endangered species.
We have o couple of advices on how to survive in those occasions. There is only a couple of things you should remember. Here are 13 wacky guidelines on how to survive animal attack
1. Remember to always look behind you
When animals attack: Beware of nature
2. Drive carefully and never open your windows
When animals attack: Beware of nature
When animals attack: Beware of nature 

When animals attack: Beware of nature
and whatever you do, don’t leave your vehicle
When animals attack: Beware of nature
sometimes maybe you should leave your vehicle
When animals attack: Beware of nature
3. They might look cute, but believe me, they are not
When animals attack: Beware of nature
4.Climb on tree (and fast)
When animals attack: Beware of nature
5. Run fast
When animals attack: Beware of nature
6. Run faster
When animals attack: Beware of nature
When animals attack: Beware of nature
7. Use helpful objects from your surrounding
When animals attack: Beware of nature
10. Don’t take photos with alligators
When animals attack: Beware of nature
11. Know that your pet might turn against you
When animals attack: Beware of nature
12. Kangaroos are fierce boxers, so avoid Australia
When animals attack: Beware of nature
13. And please, don’t panic
When animals attack: Beware of nature

source : http://www.chilloutpoint.com

Snake Found In The Toilet

We aren't talking about a can o' peanuts, either. A Bronx man walked into the bathroom of his apartment and found a snake resting on his toilet seat. (We're not entirely sure why the reptiles like the Bronx so much.)

When cops arrived, he helpfully told them, "There's a giant snake on my toilet." It turned out to be a 3-foot-long corn snake (left). Yes, a corn snake. [Insert poop joke here.]

Fortunately for the man, the snake is not poisonous and generally hunts rodents. Unfortunately for the man, the snake was sitting on the toilet when he found it, so he may have ruined his pants.

The man assumes the snake made its way into his bathroom via his plumbing and, especially since corn snakes subdue their prey by using constriction, is probably thanking his lucky stars he gets to pee standing up. Oh, to be one of the lucky ones.

source : http://www.asylum.com

Foto Vagina Cewek Dimasuki Ular

World's Smallest Animals

World’s Smallest Dog:12.4 cm (4.9-inch) tall
At 1.4 pounds and 4.9 inches tall, Ducky, a yappy short-coat Chihuahua from Charlton (Massachusetts, USA), holds the Guinness World Record for the world's smallest living dog (by height). Ducky succeeds Danka Kordak of Slovakia, a Chihuahua who measured 5.4 inches tall. The smallest dog ever, according to Guinness, was a dwarf Yorkshire terrier who stood 2.8 inches tall.

World's Smallest Snake: 10.1 cm (4-inch) long
Leptotyphlops carlae is the world's smallest species of snake, with adults averaging just under four inches in length. Found on the Caribbean island of Barbados, the species --which is as thin as a spaghetti noodle and small enough to rest comfortably on a U.S. quarter-- was discovered by Blair Hedges.
World’s Smallest Fish: 7.9 mm (0.3-inch) long
On January 2006, the world's smallest fish was discovered on the Indonesian island of Sumatra: a member of the carp family of fish, the Paedocypris progenetica. It is the world's smallest vertebrate or backboned animal; only 7.9 mm (0.3 inches) long. The title, however, is contested by 6.2 mm (0.2 in) long male anglerfish Photocorynus spiniceps (not technically a fish but a sexual parasite) and the 7 mm (0.27 in) long male stout infantfish Schindleria brevipinguis.
World’s Smallest Horse: 43.18 cm (17-inch) tall
The little horse was born to Paul and Kay Goessling, who specialize in breeding miniature horses, but even for the breed Thumbelina is particularly small: she is thought to be a dwarf-version of the breed. At just 60 lb and 17-inch tall, the five-year-old Thumbelina is the world’s smallest horse.
World’s Smallest Cat: 15.5 cm (6.1-inch) high and 49 cm (19.2-inch) long
Meet Mr. Peebles. He lives in central Illinois, is two years old, weighs about three pounds and is the world's smallest cat! The cat's small stature was verified by the Guinness Book of World Records on 2004.
World's Smallest Hamster: 2.5 cm (0.9-inch) tall
Only slightly bigger than a 50p piece, PeeWee is the smallest hamster in the world. Weighing less than an ounce, the golden hamster stopped growing when he was three weeks old - his five brothers and sisters went on to measure between 4in and 5in.
World's Smallest Chameleon: 1.2 cm (0.5-inch) long
The Brookesia Minima is the world's smallest species of chameleon. This one is just half an inch. Found on the rainforest floor of Nosy Be Island off the north-west coast of Madagascar, females tend to be larger than males.
World's Smallest Lizard: 16 mm (0.6-inch) long
So small it can curl up on a dime or stretch out on a quarter, a typical adult of the species, whose scientific name is Sphaerodactylus ariasae is only about 16 millimeters long, or about three quarters of an inch, from the tip of the snout to the base of the tail. It shares the title of "smallest" with another lizard species named Sphaerodactylus parthenopion, discovered in 1965 in the British Virgin Islands.
World’s Smallest Cattle: 81 cm (31-inch) height
The world’s smallest cattle is a rare breed of an Indian zebu called the Vechur cow. The average height of this breed of cattle is 31 to 35 inches (81 to 91 cm). The photo above shows a 16 year old Vechur cattle as compared to a 6 year old HF cross-breed cow.
World's Smallest Seahorse: 16 mm (0.6-inch) long

The creature, known as Hippocampus denise, is typically just 16 millimetres long - smaller than most fingernails. Some were found to be just 13 mm long. H. denise lives in the tropical waters of the western Pacific Ocean, between 13 and 90 metres beneath the surface.

source : http://www.wonders-world.com

Satu Kampung Diserang 160 Ular Kobra Ganas

CHINA, TRIBUNNEWS.COM -- Penduduk di satu kotapraja di China barat-daya berlarian ketakutan setelah lebih dari 160 ular kobra kabur dari satu tempat-pembiakan gelap. Demikian laporan media negara setempat, Kamis (16/9/2010).

King Cobra

Warga di kota kecil Shijiao di kotapraja besar Chongqing telah menemukan ular mematikan di berbagai toilet di luar rumah, dapur, dan di jalanan sejak hewan melata tersebut meloloskan diri dari sebuah laboratorium awal September, demikian laporan Information Times.

"Suatu hari Zhang Erfen baru saja masuk ke toilet ketika kami mendengar teriakan keras, dan perempuan tersebut menghambur ke luar sambil berusaha menaikkan celananya," setelah dia berhadapan langsung dengan satu ular kobra, kata seorang warga desa sebagaimana dikutip surat kabar itu.

Seorang warga desa yang diidentifikasi sebagai Cai Yong telah mengaku dia memelihara sebanyak 1.900 ular kobra di satu pusat-pembiakan tanpa izin di satu bangunan sekolah yang tak terpakai. Tidak jelas apakah dia telah ditangkap.

Sebagian besar dari 160 ular kobra yang kabur telah ditangkap atau dibunuh oleh warga desa tapi "lima atau enam" hewan melata tersebut belum ditemukan, kata surat kabar itu.

Dinas kesehatan setempat telah mengirim beberapa dosis serum anti-racun ke kotapraja tersebut, kata Information Times.

TRIBUNNEWS.COM  & http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=5320864

World's Smallest Dog Meets World's Tallest Dog

Buck Wolf
Buck Wolf Senior Correspondent
NEW YORK (Sept. 16) -- A dog's life isn't so bad, especially if you're top dog.

Giant George, a 245-pound Great Dane from Tucson, Ariz., sleeps on a queen-size bed -- alone, of course. And when he travels by air, he stretches out across an entire row of first-class seats.

Those are just some of the perks when you measure 7-foot-3 from snout to tail and you're the biggest dog in history. Oprah's people call your people, because she has to have you on the "That's Incredible" episode of her talk show.

Zach Wilson for AOL News
Giant George eats 110 pounds of dog food a month, while 24-ounce Boo Boo dines from a teaspoon that serves as her feeding bowl.
"George eats 110 pounds of food a month," said his human companion, David Nasser. "And he'd eat a whole lot more if we let him."

But big isn't necessarily better -- or more pampered. Just ask Boo Boo, a 4-inch-high long-haired Chihuahua who holds the Guinness World Record as the world's smallest living dog.

Lana Elswick of Raceway, Ky., fed her from an eyedropper at birth, and this 4-year-old, 24-ounce pooch now calls a teaspoon her dog bowl.

As canine royalty, this odd couple flew first class to New York City, spent the night (in separate rooms) at the $400-a-night Warwick New York Hotel, and greeted a crush of news reporters from around the world in Central Park, as if they were "Twilight" stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson -- only these two celebrities actually have fangs.

Boo Boo and Giant George came to the Big Apple to ballyhoo the launch of the 2011 Guinness World Records book, which features a special section on amazing animals.

"I was a little scared," Elswick said. "I was a little afraid George would mistake my little Boo Boo for a snack. But he is, truly, a gentle giant."

Nasser admitted he was a little frightened, too, when he and his wife took their newborn daughter, now a 1-year-old, home from the hospital. This monstrous beast was waiting, swinging his prodigious tail.

"He's so big," Nasser said. "We worried how the two would adjust to each other.

"But they became fast friends. They love one another."

Zach Wilson for AOL News
Boo Boo and Giant George came to New York's Central park to launch the 2011 edition of the Guinness World Records book.
If opposites attract, Boo Boo and Giant George might indeed be a match. After all, on two legs he's taller than Shaquille O'Neal, and she's small enough to sit comfortably in a woman's shoe.

After a few sniffs, some wags and an indiscreet lick, it was clear they were just friends.

"Boo isn't generally afraid of other dogs, even this big one," Elswick said. "It's cats, really, that put her on edge."

After leaving the park, Boo Boo and Giant George headed downtown to visit the New York City Fire Museum, where the collection of hydrants, of course, were of great interest.

"It's not easy for George to travel," said Nasser, recounting the weeks of planning required before American Airlines found five seats at a bulkhead to accommodate the big dog.

Even little trips require planning. Such are the trappings of size -- and celebrity.

Boo Boo
Zach Wilson for AOL News
Boo Boo, a 4-inch-high long-haired Chihuahua, can sit in a woman's shoe.
"We don't go to the local dog run much anymore," Nasser said. "When we do, a crowd gathers, and it becomes a scene."

That has been the case, especially since the February appearance on "The Oprah Winfrey Show." Giant George flew to Chicago, got whisked away to Harpo Studios by limo and hunkered down in a specially equipped green room with soft bedding and lots of nice things to chew on.

"It was a great experience. George felt like a total rock star, and like everybody else, he loved Oprah."
source : http://www.aolnews.com/

Drunk man mauled during attempted dog rape

A drunk Thai man was bitten several times when he tried to rape an unwilling dog.

Police said the 33-year-old man had been drinking heavily with friends before he tried to rape the dog.

Stray dog
The man was caught by police officers when residents in the area notified the police about a man walking along the street, bleeding.

After being questioned, the man told the police he noticed a brown female stray dog wagging its tail and 'acting sexy'.

When he tried to pull the dog into some tall grass near the roadside, the dog resisted. The dog bit him on his face, chest and arms. When the dog stopped biting him, the man tried to stagger home.

The man also admitted to the police that he had raped three dogs earlier while he was drunk.

The man said he got excited when he drank heavily but did not have the money to go to a prostitute.
source : http://www.stunning-stuff.com

Rhino gets it on with a Renault

A rampant rhinoceros gave a group of visitors a glimpse of nature in the raw at a British safari park when he tried to have sex with their car.

Sharka, a two-ton white rhino, got amorous with Dave Alsop's car when he stopped with three friends to take pictures of the animal mating with his partner Trixie at the West Midland Safari Park.

The 12-year-old rhino tried to mount the Renault Laguna from the side, denting the doors and ripping off the wing mirrors before Dave drove away with a puffing Sharka in pursuit.

"He was a big boy and obviously aroused," Mr Alsop said on Thursday. "He sidled up against us. The next thing I know he's banging away at the car and it's rocking like hell."

A spokeswoman for the park, which says "rhinos are not particularly intelligent animals" on its web site, said Sharka was a hit with the female rhinos and had fathered two calves in the last five years.

"He's got a bit of a reputation this lad and he was obviously at it again," she added.

To get an idea of what it must have looked like, take a look at this commercial from Renault, hosted by Cassyput.
source :http://www.stunning-stuff.com

Sebab Banteng Benci Warna Merah

Orang sering kali diingatkan untuk hati-hati jika berdekatan dengan banteng jika mengenakan baju berwarna merah. Apakah warna merah memang membuat banteng marah? Faktanya, banteng tidak dapat melihat dengan sempurna, karena Buta Parsial. Apa yang menyebabkan seekor banteng terganggu adalah, karena seseorang melambaikan kain tepat di depan wajahnya. Pandangan terhadap warna adalah subyek yang menipu. Di dalam pandangan manusia memiliki batang mata yang sensitif terhadap cahaya, tetapi tidak menyediakan informasi mengenai warna. Tetapi banteng punya, dan bekerja baik dalam cahaya redup atau gelap. Seperti saat melihat di malam hari, persepsi warna menjadi buram karena gelap. Batang mata manusia dilengkapi dengan tiga jenis sel kerucut, masing-masing sensitif terhadap panjang gelombang cahaya yang berbeda, gelombang merah, hijau, dan biru. Setiap warna yang kita tahu, dapat direpresentasikan sebagai kombinasi dari warna dasar tersebut. Ketika sesuatu yang tidak beres dengan aspek pandangan dasar ini, maka menghasilkan kebutaan warna, yang biasanya berupa ketidakmampuan yang tidak lengkap untuk membedakan warna, daripada mempersempit rentang warna yang dapat dirasakan. Manusia memiliki pandangan warna umum seperti dalam ikan, reptil, amfibi, dan burung. Beberapa binatang melihat lebih banyak warna dari yang kita dapat, misalnya lebah.

Buta Parsial
Persepsi warna merupakan respon otak atas stimulus yang diterima oleh retina. Telah diidentifikasi 3 jenis sel fotoreseptor kerucut (yang diperlukan untuk dapat membedakan warna) yakni biru, hijau, dan merah. Dibutuhkan minimal 2 sel untuk dapat membedakan warna, dan pada penglihatan warna normal dibutuhkan ketiganya. Buta warna biasanya disebabkan oleh faktor keturunan. Dari faktor keturunan ini yang paling sering ditemukan adalah defek sel merah-hijau. Buta warna ini berkaitan dengan gen X resesif, jadi diturunkan oleh ibu (tidak harus mengalami buta warna, karena gen bersifat resesif) kepada anak laki-lakinya. Pada seseorang dengan buta warna parsial, dapat mengalami defek pada sel kerucut merah ataupun hijau sehingga tidak dapat mempersepsi warna tersebut dan turunannya, juga sulit membedakannya.
Penyebab banteng ga suka kain warna merah sendiri karena sebenernya banteng itu ga suka lambaian kainnya, bukan warna kainnya itu sendiri. Banteng punya penyakit buta parsial yang dia ga bisa ngeliat warna/buta warna. Tapi karena matador emang udah biasa pake kain merah sebagai alat untuk aksinya melawan banteng, kita menganggap warna merah lah yang ngebuat si banteng ngamuk.
sumber: http://blognyajose.blogspot.com/2010/07/inilah-sebabnya-banteng-benci-warna.html

5 Laba-Laba Paling Berbahaya di Bumi

Laba-Laba Paling Berbahaya di Bumi

Laba-laba memberikan kontribusi tak terhitung untuk ekosistem bumi. Mereka membersihkan populasi serangga berbahaya, memelihara tanaman dan hewan penting. Sutra mereka adalah suatu keajaiban alam, dan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk aplikasi militer dan industri untuk manusia.Berikut adalah 5 laba-laba paling mematikan yang dikenal manusia.

5. The Red Back

Laba-laba Redback (punggung merah) ditemukan di seluruh penjuru Australia. Redback betina biasanya berwarna hitam dengan jejak merah dan bergaris oranye di punggung. Laba-laba ini memiliki racun neurotoksik dan bila tergigit dapat menyebabkan melemahnya otot, mual, muntah dan berkeringat. Yang paling fatal adalah lumpuh dan menimbulkan kematian.

4. The Funnel-Web

Laba-laba funnel-web juga berasal dari Australia. Funnel-web jantan berwarna hitam atau coklat mengkilap. Laba-laba ini saat menyerang, berdiri dengan kaki belakang mereka, memperlihatkan taring mereka. Mereka juga memiliki racun neurotoksik dan gigtan mereka dapat menyebabkan air liur berkeringat, kejang, dan keluar air mata. Bahkan hanya dengan melihat mereka, kamu bisa mengeluarkan air mata.

3. The Brazilian Wandering

Laba-laba Brazilian Wandering ditemukan di hutan Amerika Selatan. Mereka gugup dan agresif. Gigitannya sangat menyakitkan karena ia melepaskan serotonin ke aliran darah korbannya. Serotonin bisa membuatmu mati seperti terkena overdosis narkoba.

2. The Brown Recluse

Laba-laba kecil ini mempunyai punggung berbentuk biola. Racun Brown Recluse Spider menyebabkan bentol. Gigitannya juga tidak sakit, namun jangan salah, bentolan tersebut kemudian akan membusuk dan terlepas dari bagian tubuh korbannya.

1. The black Wido


Laba-laba ini mungkin adalah yang paling mematikan. Laba-laba hitam mengkilap ini dapat ditemukan di Amerika Utara. Racun neurotoksik mereka menimbulkan rasa sakit saat menggigit, dengan dua tanda taring yang jelas sesudahnya. Gejala-gejala gigitannya termasuk rasa sakit perut dan punggung, kram otot perut, gagal pernapasan, tekanan darah tinggi, kegelisahan dan jika terlampau lama digigit, akan menyebabkan kematian.

sumber: http://strano66.blogspot.com/2010/09/5-laba-laba-paling-berbahaya-di-bumi.html