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Kita Mesti (Maaf) Telanjang….

Suatu pagi tiba-tiba orang-2 berseru ke ruko saya “mbak mbak… kasih baju dong tuh, kasihan…!!!!” Ternyata ada “Orang Gila” sedang menuju ke arah kami, telanjang bulat, seorang perempuan.
Bertemulah saya dan dia.
Dia buka percakapan “mbak minta uang dong 250.000,- saya mau pulang ke Jawa Timur.”
“Banyak bener..gak ada kalau segitu sih” “Mbak jangan bohong, kalau bohong nanti mbak jadi miskin lho, mbak khan orang kaya, liat aja tokonya gede gini “dia bilang.
“Saya cuma karyawan disini, bukan pemilik. Kamu kenapa gak pake baju..? kalau mau minta-minta yang sopan jangan begini, saya kasih baju ya..biar orang mau nyumbang uang banyak sama kamu..” Tiba-tiba nada suaranya agak tinggi “…Enggak saya enggak mau pake baju!! saya dibohongin orang terus,katanya kalo udah pake baju mau dikasih uang gak taunya bohong…”,
“Kalau saya betul kasih uang, kamu mau pakai baju khan..?” saya bujuk dia seperti saya sedang membujuk keponakan saya yang berumur 5 tahun.”Saya mau pake baju kalau dikasih uang 50.000,-”. Kesepakatan terjadi, saya tunjukkan uang selembar 50.000an, uang saya masukkan lagi ke saku jeans saya. Saya ambilkan sarung plus kaus,saya pakaikan ke tubuhnya persis seperti saya habis memandikan anak saya waktu kecil. saya tanya juga apakah dia hamil, karena perutnya besar, dia bilang bukan, dia mengaku belum menikah.Selesai berpakaian, saya bilang..”Sekarang kamu sudah pake baju, ini uangnya sesuai perjanjian kita khan. Sekarang kamu janji enggak telanjang lagi karena nggak sopan, tapi kamu janji bukan sama saya, janjinya samaTuhanmu..” dia potong kalimat saya dengan ucapan” Allah bukan Tuhan..”, “Okey okey, Allah..” Dia angkat 2 tangannya berkomat-kamit, lalu mengusap wajahnya.”Kamu sudah bersumpah janji tidak telanjang lagi sama Allah ya..kalo bohong bagaimana?” Cepat dia menjawab : “Saya dan kuburan saya akan kebakar kalau saya mati…!!!”, “Okey, itu janji kamu ya…bukan sama saya, sekarang kamu boleh pergi”, “terima kasih ya mbak…”dia pamit.
Persis seminggu kemudian, saya dikagetkan banyak orang, memberitahu…”Bu bu…orang yang telanjang kemaren lewat lagi tuuhhh…sekarang telanjang lagi…!!”, saya keluar dari ruang kerja,saya ambil kamera, digonceng motor saya susul perempuan itu, jepretan pertama saya membuat dia menghampiri saya. Minta uang. “Kamu lupa sama saya…?” tiba-2 airmukanya berubah, sekian detik itu dia kenali saya, tapi tiba-2 dia “acting” lupa.Saya jeprat jepret saja di depan dia, ada gerakan menghindari saya.”Kamu sudah janji sama Allah kamu gak mau telanjang lagi, tapi kenapa begini?” “Gak gak mau pake baju panas…!! Mau di potret ya?. ” Ya..kamu saya potret, kamu saya masukin TV, koran, biar semua tau kalo kamu tukang bohong..dan ketika mati nanti kamu akan terbakar di kuburanmu..” dia melengos pergi, sayapun demikian.
Berikutnya, Sang Telanjang ini jadi bahan diskusi kami di rumah. Dugaan-dugaan yang muncul :
> Ini modus baru minta-minta, orang itu “menelanjangi” diri demi mencari uang.
Membuang malu untuk uang. Salah satu teman kami bilang, dia “nge-drug” (terlihat dari matanya) biar “berani”. Bukan gila.
> Dia gila. Tentu dengan sebab musababnya.
> Dia orang jujur.Berani dengan telanjang meminta uang untuk menyambung hidup,
Tanpa perlu berpakaian mentereng layaknya seorang “Priyayi” tapi pekerjaannya “ngembat” uang rakyat.
> Perempuan adalah tiang negara. Apakah ini perlambangan bahwa negara ini sudah “rusak” karena tiangnya saja sudah demikian rusak karena tidak lagi punya malu?
> Apakah kita semua akhirnya juga mesti “telanjang” juga agar bisa benar-benar bersih seperti syair Ebiet ?
Diskusi kami belum usai…..ada yang mau gabung? Mungkin ada jawaban yang lebih pas.
[catatan dr seorang sahabatku di fesbuk]

Oleh :

Uly Giznawati  via: http://regional.kompasiana.com

Wimbledon Naked Female Streaker

WIMBLEDON, England. July 1996. A 23-year-old London student, Melissa Johnson, her courage bolstered by a few drinks, climbed over a barrier at one end of the court and dashed the length of its periphery -- passing in front of finalists Richard Krajicek and MaliVai Washington as they posed near the net for photographs. This girl gets popints off for having to get courage from a bottle, and the fact that she wasn't fully naked, but she was damn close.  Johnson, who had been working as a catering assistant at Wimbledon during her summer holidays, was topless and wore only a tiny maid's apron, which she lifted up dependuing on whether she wanted to reveal her top or bottom. She was quickly escorted off the court near the Royal Box by two policemen.  Both players broke into laugher, as did most of the 14,000 fans. Washington paused a moment and then doubled over trying to contain his laughter. Walking back to the baseline to begin his warmup, the American lifted up his tennis shirt to bare his own chest and received a large ovation.  "I look over and I see this streaker ..." said Washington, who later was to lose to Krajicek. "Gee, she smiles at me. She had on almost like an apron. She lifted it up and she was still smiling at me. I got flustered, and three sets later I was gone. ... That was pretty funny."

 Johnson was taken to Wimbledon police station where she was held until the end of the match. A Scotland Yard spokeswoman said "no further action" would be taken. Once again a female got away with it.  Usually stiff and proper, The All England club was unexpectedly light-hearted regarding the moment. "Whilst we do not wish to condone the practice, it did at least provide some light amusement for our loyal and patient supporters, who have had a trying time during the recent bad weather," a club statement said.  A Centre Court spectator, 57-year-old travel agent Peter Goord, said the streak even drew a humorous reaction from the royals.  "When she got in front of the Royal Box, she lifted it up and showed everything off," Goord said. "The Duke of Kent was laughing like mad. She then ran into the policemen's arms. There was no way she was trying to get away."

 Wimbledon officials expressed concern before the opening of the tournament two weeks ago that a streaker might appear -- coaxed on by several of Britain's large bookmakers offering odds on it happening.  Before the tournament, William Hill bookmakers reduced the odds on a streaker interrupting Centre Court play during the final to 4-1.
 It was believed to be the first incident of streaking ever at Wimbledon. Johnson graduated from Manchester University with a degree in graphic design.

Suporter Cewek Telanjang Dada di Final AFF Suzuki Cup (ASEAN CUP)

Setelah mengalahkan Thailand pada menit-menit terakhir injury time babak ke dua akhirnya Vietnam bisa menjuarai AFF SuzukiCup 2008. Kemenangan ini disambut dengan suka cita oleh seluruh rakyat Vietnam. Malam itu seluruh rakyat Vietnam berpesta. Di jalanan penuh dengan pawai kendaraan bermotor, namun ada satu hal yang menarik pada perayaan ini yakni aksi kenekatan dua orang remaja putri menanggalkan pakaiannya hingga telanjang. Salah satu dari mereka hanya tinggal memakai celana dalam. 

Naked Female Football Fans at AFF Suzuki Cup (ASEAN Football Cup)

Naked Female Football Fans at AFF Suzuki Cup

This video was recorded by a cell phone right at the moment to showing a naked teen football fans celebrate the victory at AFF Suzuki Cup 2008.Vietnam won the AFF Suzuki Cup 2008 with a dramatic goal in last minute of injury time.

Woman runs naked in a game of Truth or Dare...

We wouldn't dare try this....
But running naked through a Central Florida park apparently wasn't a big deal for a 43-year-old woman playing a game of Truth or Dare, reports Channel 6.
Cops spotted the woman carrying a shirt and wearing only a bra.
The teens with her said she gave 'em booze and was going to flash her boobs.
We're not sure what the big thrill was going to be.
Kids, she's 43

Photo: Naked Woman Arrested At Park During Game Of 'Truth Or Dare
Local 6 in Orlando

src : weblogs.sun-sentinel.com/

In the above photo a woman streaker interrupted a New Zealand rugby tournament in Queensland in 2009. This past January a naked man or streaker interrupted a Super 14 trial rugby match in Mangatainoka, New Zealand. This past weekend a group of fake terrorists strapped with fake bombs at Super 14 matches held in Christchurch and Hamilton New Zealand failed to catch the attention of the crowd or the police...
The New Zealand police are calling a newspaper sending a group of people disguised as terrorists strapped with fake bombs into two stadiums holding Super 14 rugby matches over weekend a stunt. We call the results of the stunt, an eye-opener into how the results revealed how the fear among the general public of a terrorist attack in New Zealand is far different than the U.S. post-911.
A New Zealand paper, the Fairfax Star Times, is in hot water after staging a fake terrorist stunt at stadiums in Christchurch and Hamilton where Super 14 rugby matches were held last weekend. Here’s the kicker: Neither the crowds or the police noticed the “groups” of people dressed as terrorists wearing fake bombs. The “terrorists” gained access to prohibited areas in the stadium. The police found out later from the event organizers. The police were not amused as the fake terrorists could have caused a panic. 

From the New Zealand Herald:

The mystery streaker of Tib Street

BARE CHEEK: but who is she? (Pic: Chris Gleave)   
BARE CHEEK: but who is she? (Pic: Chris Gleave)
SHE'S shown everyone a clean pair of heels - and a lot more besides.

A woman wearing nothing but a pair of trainers and a scorpion tattoo has run down Tib Street in Manchester city Centre at the same time for the last three Fridays.

Word has spread fast and her audience has grown, with many onlookers waiting with their cameras poised.

Mark Radcliffe, 35, who works in a shop in Tib Street said: "I've seen her a few times now.

"News of what she had been doing got around. A crowd of about 50 people were waiting to see her last Friday with their camera phones ready to get a picture.

"A lot of workmen showed up because they are building some flats nearby. No-one knows who she is or why she is doing it and they're too stunned to watch where she goes afterwards.

"I even saw someone following her in a car trying to get a picture of her on the camera phone.

"It's all very light-hearted with people laughing and joking," he said.

"People seem pleased to see her, I don't think anyone is offended. Tib Street must be the place to be. I'd like to see a lot more of it myself!"

Another shopworker, who did not want to be named, said: "This has happened quite a few times now.

" She's run up the street once and then down the street twice.

" I don't know if she goes anywhere else other than Tib Street."

One spectator added: "I don't suppose she's doing any harm. I wonder whether she's doing it for a bet."

Greater Manchester Police said they hadn't received any complaints about the streaker.

source : http://menmedia.co.uk

Nude Female Streaker Gets Help From Grandpa?

I confess my St. Patrick’s Day was rather uneventful this year. I made the unfortunate decision to hang out with a couple of young ladies who, though lovely, prevented me from testing my “drinkability” acumen with the usual band of random burnouts here on Venice Beach.
Nude Female Streaker Gets Help From Grandpa
Can’t say the same for those who attended the Guinness Premiership match between the London Irish and Northampton Saints at Madejski Stadium in Reading, England, on St. Pat’s.
They were treated this lovely lass uncovering her loins for all to see.
Nude Female Streaker Gets Help From Grandpa
In addition to her performance on the field, thankfully someone had a vidcam handy to provide us with the anatomy of her pitch-crashing preparation.  (Very NSFW video after the jump)
source : http://sportsbybrooks.com

Naked Female Streaker Strikes at the Madejski Stadium (Video)

Madejski Stadium is the home of English Championship outfit Reading FC. The London Irish rugby union team also call it home. During this year’s London Irish St. Patrick’s day home game, the Madejski Stadium saw a rare fully nude female streaker grace it’s hallowed greens.  Apparently, the now internet famous young lady was rewarded with a £3,000 pound bounty for her exploits.