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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Bestiality. Tampilkan semua postingan

Gila..! Suami Melaporkan Istrinya Karena Berhubungan Seks dengan Anjing Peliharaannya

Ada ada saja, polisi mengejar seorang wanita yang melakukan ML berhubungan seks dengan anjing peliharaannya sendiri.  Polisi di Greenwood, Arkansas sedang mengejar tersangka yaitu seorang yang dikejar setelah dilaporkan oleh suaminya sendiri.

Alan Gragg melaporkan istrinya Cornelia kepada polisi setelah ia menemukan gambar-gambar tidak senonoh istrinya di komputer rumahnya. Menurut surat perintah penangkapan gambar gambar dalam komputer tersebut menunjukkan Cornelia Gragg 47 tahun melakukan hubungan seks dengan anjing peliharaan keluarga. Polisi memulai penyelidikan atas dugaan tersebut pada 13 Juli tetapi tidak dapat menemukan Ibu Gragg dan kehilangan informasi untuk menelusurinya


sumber :http://unik13.info/2010/10/gila-edan-suami-melaporkan-istrinya-karena-berhubungan-seks-ml-dengan-anjing-peliharaannya/

Seorang Wanita Tertangkap Saat Berbuat "Tidak Senonoh" Terhadap Seekor Kuda

November 2006
Di Pantai Utara New South Walesseorang wanita tertangkap melakukan tindakan ofensif dan diduga terlibat dalam tindakan tidak senonoh dengan kuda.setelah sebelumnya polisi dilapori oleh masyarakat.
Polisi mengatakan mereka menemukan wanita telanjang dengan kuda di sebuah padang di Wilson Street, Lismore pada 09:00 (AEDT) pada hari Senin.
"Polisi akan menuduh seorang wanita Casino 35-tahun terlibat dalam tindakan tidak senonoh dengan kuda,''juru bicara polisi mengatakan NSW.
"Wanita itu ditangkap dan didakwa dengan percobaan "bestiality" dan berperilaku dengan cara yang ofensif.''
Wanita itu diberikan jaminan bersyarat dan akan menghadapi Pengadilan Negeri Lismore pada 18 Desember.

AAP - www.news.com.au

Naked woman caught 'in indecent act with horse'

November , 2006

A New South Wales north coast woman has been charged with bestiality and offensive conduct after allegedly being involved in an indecent act with a horse. 
Police said they found the naked woman with the horse when they were called to a paddock in Wilson Street, Lismore at 9am (AEDT) on Monday.

"Police will allege a 35-year-old Casino woman was engaged in an indecent act with a horse,'' a NSW police spokesman said.

"The woman was arrested and charged with bestiality and behaving in an offensive manner.''

The woman was granted conditional bail and is due to face Lismore Local Court on December 18. 

AAP - www.news.com.au

Seorang Pria Terluka Saat Berusaha Memperkosa Seekor Anjing

Seorang pria Thailand mabuk beberapa kali digigit seekor anjing ketika ia mencoba memperkosa anjing tersebut.
Polisi mengatakan pria 33 tahun sebelumnya telah berpesta minuman keras bersama  teman-temannya  sebelum ia mencoba memperkosa anjing. itu.

Orang itu ditangkap oleh aparat polisi saat warga di daerah itu memberitahukan kepada polisi tentang seorang pria berjalan di sepanjang jalan dengan tubuh penuh luka.

Setelah ditanyai, pria tersebut mengatakan kepada polisi bahwa sebelumnya ia melihat seekor anjing liar coklat betina mengibaskan ekornya dan terlihat "seksi" .
Ketika ia berusaha menarik anjing itu ke dalam semak-semak di  pinggir jalan, anjing itu menggigitnya  di dada wajah dan lengan. 

Ketika anjing itu berhenti menggigit ia berusaha pulang ke rumahnya dengan terhuyung-huyung dengan badan penuh luka.

Pria itu juga mengaku kepada polisi bahwa isebelumnya a telahmemperkosa tiga anjing  ketika ia sedang mabuk.
Pria itu mengatakan dia senang ketika dia minum banyak tetapi tidak memiliki uang untuk pergi ke pelacur.

sumber : source : http://www.stunning-stuff.com

Drunk man mauled during attempted dog rape

A drunk Thai man was bitten several times when he tried to rape an unwilling dog.

Police said the 33-year-old man had been drinking heavily with friends before he tried to rape the dog.

Stray dog
The man was caught by police officers when residents in the area notified the police about a man walking along the street, bleeding.

After being questioned, the man told the police he noticed a brown female stray dog wagging its tail and 'acting sexy'.

When he tried to pull the dog into some tall grass near the roadside, the dog resisted. The dog bit him on his face, chest and arms. When the dog stopped biting him, the man tried to stagger home.

The man also admitted to the police that he had raped three dogs earlier while he was drunk.

The man said he got excited when he drank heavily but did not have the money to go to a prostitute.
source : http://www.stunning-stuff.com

Belgium gives dog sex thumbs-up

A Belgian man who had sex with dozens of animals and then posted photos of his acts on the internet walked free - after a court ruled bestiality was not a crime.

The Antwerp appeal court heard how the 37-year-old man from Genk, not identified for legal reasons, abused the beasts over a two-year period.
What the woman does not look like Stay out of Belgium, dude
He was working as a volunteer at an animal sanctuary at the time.
He then put thousands of photos of his acts on the internet.
But the court ruled that the man could not be prosecuted for the acts, as animal sex is not punishable under Belgian law.
He was, however, fined 500 euros (£346) for violating public decency legislation.
The appeal court judge said that this amounted to a loophole in the law, and made it clear he did not agree with the fact that such acts could not be legally punished.
A spokesman for animal rights' organisation Gaia said: 'The verdict has handed a victory to people who abuse animals.'

source : http://www.metro.co.uk


Bestiality video industry hit as Dutch give animal sex the thumbs down

The source of four fifths of the internet's bestiality videos may be on the way out, after Dutch lawmakers approved a ban on having sex with animals. 

A sheep: relieved
Currently, animal sex is not itself illegal in the Netherlands as long, as it could be proven the animals were not injured - a situation rectified by the legislation approved on Tuesday by the upper house of the Dutch parliament.
The new law bans human sex with animals, including in private situations where the animals are not injured, and prohibits the production or distribution of animal pornography, a summary of the law posted on the upper chamber's website said.
Given the illicit nature of the product, precise figures on animal pornography video sales are difficult to find, but the Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad, in a 2007 survey, found that distributors in the Netherlands were responsible for some 80 percent of bestiality videos worldwide.
The bill was introduced in April 2007 and passed the lower house in July 2008, but took time to make its way through the upper house to final approval. It was not immediately clear how soon the law would go into effect.
source : http://www.metro.co.uk